What's In A Name?
If all goes well, we'll be hearing much more about George W. Bush's young and irresponsible years in the next few weeks. In doing a little research on the Addict-in-Chief I came across this interesting little bit of etymology:
all-american drug, angels dust, angie, apple jacks, aspirin, aunt, aunt nora, balling, banano, barbs, basa, base, base crazies, base head, based out, basing, basuco, batman, bazooka, bazulco, beam, bebe, behind the scale, beiging, belushi, bernice, bernie, bernie's flakes, bernie's gold dust, big bloke, big c, big flake, big rush, billie hoke, bings, bipping, birdie powder, black rock, blanca , blanco , blanco blanca, blast, blizzard, blotter, blow, blow blue, blow coke, blow smoke, blunt, body-packer, bolivian, bolivian marching powder, bolivian marching powder, booster, bopper, bouncing powder, boy, break night, brick, bubble gum, bump, bumper, bumping up, bunk, burese, burnese, bush, c, c & m, c joint, cabello, cabello , cadillac, cain, caine, california, california cornflakes, came, candy, candy c, candy flipping on a string, candy sugar, caps, carnie, carrie, carrie nation, caviar, cc-dust, cds, c-dust, cecil, c-game, chalked up, chalking, champagne, charlie, chase, chicken scratch, china white, chippy, chips, choe, cholly, chunks, coca, cocaine, cocaine blues, cocktail, cocoa puff, coconut, coke, coke bar, cola, columbian marching powder, combol, comeback, cooking up, coolie, corine, cork the air, cornflakes, corrinne, cotton brothers, crack, crack cocaine, crackers, crisscrossing, crystal, dama blanca, devil's dandruff, do a line, double breasted dealing, double bubble, draf, dream, dream duct, duct, dust, dynamite, dynamite el diablo, el diablito, el diablo, electric kool-aid, esnortiar, everclear, fast white lady, five-way, flake, flake, flame cooking, flamethrowers, flash, flave, flex, florida snow, florida snow, foo foo, foo foo stuff, foo-foo dust, foo-foo dust stuff, foolish powder, freebase, freeze, french fry, frisco special, frisco speedball, friskie powder, frontloading, gaffel, geek-joints, geeze, geeze, ghost busting, gift-of-the-sun, gift-of-the-sun-god, gin, gin girl, girl, girlfriend, glad stuff, go on a sleigh ride, gold dust, goofball, gremmies, g-rock, h & c, half piece, happy dust, happy powder, happy trails, have a dust, haven dust, heaven, heaven dust, henry viii, her, hitch up the reindeers, hooter, horn, horning, hunter, ice, icing, inca message, jam, jejo, jelly, jim jones, joy, joy powder, junk, junk king, kibbles and bits, king, king's habit, lace, lace lady, lady caine, lady snow, lady white, late night, leaf, leaf line, line, lines, liquid lady, love affair, ma'a, macaroni and cheese, mama coca, marching dust, marching powder, mayo, merck, mercury, merk, mix, mojo, monkey, monos, monster, mosquitos, movie star drug, mujer, murder one, neurocain, nieve, nose, nose candy, nose powder, nose stuff, number 3, one and one, one bomb, one on one house, one plus one sales, onion, oyster stew, paradise, paradise white, pariba, p-dogs, pearl, percia, percio, perico, peruvian, peruvian flake, peruvian lady, peruvian marching powder, picking, piece, pieces, pimp, polvo blanco, pop, pop powder, powder, powder diamonds, powdered sugar, press, primo, primos, purple caps, purple haze, quill, racehorse charlie, rails, rane, rane, ready rock, real tops, recompress, rider, rock, rock star, rock(s), roxanne, royalty, rush, sandwich, schmeck, schmeck schoolboy, schoolboy, scorpion, scottie, scotty, scramble, seconds, serial speedballing, serpico 21, sevenup, shake, shaker/baker/water, she, shebanging, sherman stick, shneigh, shot, shrile, sleigh ride, smoke, smoke houses, smoking gun, sneeze, sniff, snort, snow, snow bird, snow seals, snow white, snowball, snowcones, soap, society high, soda, soft, soup, speedball, speedballing, speedballs-nose-style, splitting, sporting, sporting squirrel, squirrel, stacks, star, stardust, star-spangled powder, stone, studio fuel, sugar, sugar boogers, sweet stuff, t, talco, tardust, teenager, teenager thing, teeth, the king of drugs, the lady, the rock, thing, tio, toke, toot, trails, turkey, tutti-frutti, twinkie, uptown, wash, white, white ball, white boy, white dragon, white girl, white horse, white lady, white mosquito, white pony, white powder, white sugar, whiz bang, wild cat, window pane, wings, witch, woolas, wooties, working bags, yam, yao, yeyo, zipI wonder how many of these Dubya has used?
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