Sunday, March 07, 2004

Why Is There Any Question?

"I went in with a long list of things to talk about, and I thought to engage on … I was surprised that it turned out me talking, and the president just listening … As I recall, it was mostly a monologue."

Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil
Describing George W. Bush during a CBS interview

"Most of the boat officers, they figured they knew what they needed to know. John was not like that. He was not above asking questions. He pumped me for information. We'd talk about contingencies. He just … asked questions."

Del Sandusky, swift boat crew mate of John Kerry
Washington Post interview

"John plays devil's advocate. On any given issue, Kerry will sit his staff in a circle and challenge them. Most staffers find it intimidating at first. Then they enjoy it."

David McKean, John Kerry's chief of staff
Washington Post interview

Please explain to me why there is any question as to which of these men is the superior leader and better equipped to be President of the United States.