Monday, May 10, 2004

Willful Ignorance

For those of you who think Dubya is a dimwit, Jacob Weisberg offers an article that explains the root causes of your suspicions.

For those of you who admire this man, the article raises a host of issues you've long since given up caring about. Evidently, you are not bothered by the fact that George W. Bush is not only ignorant but knowingly and willfully so. You apparently confuse mental laziness with courageous leadership. And you erroneously conflate his unwillingness (if not an inability) to engage in contemplation with principled conviction.

By pointing Bush supporters to this article and calling out your disregard for Bush's character traits I do not mean to insult you and your support for our dim-witted leader. Perhaps you are one of the few who support Bush in spite of these aforementioned flaws. But I do think that your continued support for such an obviously unqualified man must seriously call into question either your patriotism or your rationality. At what point do the challenges facing this country demand a leader who is up to the task?