Monday, March 08, 2004

Bring It On

I don't have cable and I don't watch TV. But I have followed the whole Bush re-election advertisements brouhaha in various blogs. Bush now says, "How this administration handled that day, as well as the war on terror, is worthy of discussion." I chuckled when I heard it because I immediately had in my head the outlines for an advertisement. I thought this blog would be the perfect platform for taking it to the masses (since, honestly, it will never get made). I should have spent more time writing ad copy and gathering pictures rather than surfing other blogs. As it is, Swopa has already done all the work. Thanks to Atrios for the link and of course to Swopa for doing such a bang-up job with the storyboard.

Obviously, Swopa's ad is just the first in a series. The next advertisement will feature a map of the United States that shows the flight path of Air Force One throughout that day. How's this tagline grab you: "From Sarasota to Barksdale to Offutt. George W. Bush. Absent Without Leadership."