Wednesday, March 17, 2004

No Failures Here...Move Along...Nothing to See Here...Move Along

Republicans, it seems, are eager to look at the past only in so far as it does not involve them. Terrorism failures? The U.S.S. Cole. The WTC -- 1993, of course. Osama? Why did Clinton lob cruise missles from 800 miles away instead of sending in the Special Forces? How could Clinton have allowed such egregious failures?

Fortunately, such failures don't occur when a Republican is sailing the ship of state. Or, at least, when they do occur, there's no reason to evaluate those failures. In effect, Josh Marshall points out, the reasoning becomes that "we've created such a mess that we don't have the time or the luxury to start second-guessing how badly we screwed things up!" Check out the rest of his post. He paints an interesting word picture to drive the point home.