Monday, August 09, 2004

Flopper In Chief

Back in March I did my list of the many Flip Flops of George W. Bush. Over at the Center for American Progress they've done another list which they're calling Rhetoric vs. Reality. It's a decent list but I think they've pulled their punches. It is neither as long or as shameful a list as they ought to have created. But, the next time someone wants to shove down your throat the asinine argument that Bush is steady, principled, honest, strong, etc. you ought to find on either of these lists enough ammunition to set them straight.

Update: I almost missed Kevin Drum's very worthy list of Bush's straddles and waffles. He adds stem cell research, steel tariffs, Department of Homeland Security, Patients Bill of Rights, gay marriage, veterans benefits, North Korea, and growth of government to the lengthy list of topics on which Bush has flipped and flopped.