Friday, October 29, 2004

Why Does Bob Smith Hate America?

Conservative icon, former New Hampshire Senator Bob Smith, demonstrated his utter contempt for America by endorsing John Kerry today. In a letter to the future president, Smith wrote:
As someone who worked with you daily for 12 years as a United States Senator, I am acutely conscious of the fact that we disagree on many important issues. Despite our differences, you have always been willing to engage in constructive debate in an effort to forge sound public policy.

I deeply respect your commitment to our nation and your patriotism which, I believe, was forged when you-like I-proudly wore the uniform of the United States Navy in Viet Nam...

Because of the courage and character you demonstrated in Vietnam, I believe you when you say that you'll do a better job than President Bush to win the peace in Iraq, as well as to win the war against terrorism.

President Bush has failed to restrain federal spending, sending our deficit spinning into the stratosphere. I well remember that you were one of a handful of Democrats who crossed the aisle to forge a bipartisan coalition in the Senate to balance the federal budget [...]

John, for each of these reasons I believe President Bush has failed our country and my party. Accordingly, I want you to know that when I go into the booth next Tuesday I am going to cast my vote for you. So will my wife, Mary Jo, and all three of my children: Jason, Bobby and Jenny.

Moreover, I will do all that I can to encourage my friends in New Hampshire and Florida to join me in supporting you.

I wish you Godspeed, and every best wish for victory next Tuesday.
The shock that a principled conservative would criticize the Bush administration will surely leave pseudo-conservatives gasping for breath and grasping at straws. In their attempts to vilify Bob Smith these pseudo conservatives would do well to remember the reaction from other true conservatives the last time this "conservative giant" castigated the modern Republican party. When he briefly left the Republican party in 1999 Smith
gave a speech criticizing Republican leaders and the Republican Party for having betrayed its principles on core conservative issues such as abortion in the hopes of winning more elections. Upon hearing the news of Smith's decision to leave the GOP, conservative presidential candidate Gary Bauer's remarked "It's hard to imagine a Republican Party without Bob Smith. I'm not sure that a Republican Party without Bob Smith is a party worth fighting for". Fellow conservative GOP presidential candidate, Alan Keyes, heartily concurred with Bauer's assessment.
Now, it's true, I probably don't have a lot in common with Smith, Bauer, or Keyes. But I have never, nor would I, question the conservative bona fides of these men. Thankfully, I don't have to. Pseudo conservatives will do that for me.

I look forward to yet another instance of conservatives destroying their own. It really is quite entertaining to watch their sad, petty attempts to hang on to power and justify the stain that is George W. Bush.