You've Got To Be Kidding...
You probably missed this news -- what with the raging gayness of MaryCheneyGate -- but I think the Friday night release another 31 pages of Bush National Guard records deserves at least a cursory mention.
For at least the fourth time this year the Keystone Kops at the Pentagon and the Texas National Guard conducted a late night document dump. This, of course, after they declared on each previous occasion of releasing documents that ALL documents had been released. In the immortal words of Dr. Evil: "Riiiiiiiight."
Incidentally, in my opinion, the documents do much to explain Bush's absence during those heady days in 1972 and 1973:
The 31 pages of documents turned over to AP Thursday night include orders for high-altitude training in 1972, less than three months before Bush abruptly quit flying as a fighter pilot.High altidude training? Well, there it is. Bush didn't feel the need to show up for high altitude training. Afterall, what could the Texas Air National Guard possibly teach an inveterate Par-Tay Man like Bush about how to act when high?
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