I'm usually fairly respectful of the reporting of the Washington Post's Dana Milbank. However in a piece today he demonstrates that you can never let your guard down with today's shitty media (emphasis added):
Whatever the merits, the charges that terrorists prefer Democrats have been echoed by independent commentators and journalists. CNN analyst Bill Schneider, asked about Hastert's remarks, agreed that al Qaeda "would very much like to defeat President Bush."Bill Schneider? Bill "AEI" Schneider?? Bill Fucking Conservative Hack Schneider???
Schneider is neither independent nor he is a journalist. And, for what it's worth, his analytical skills are too crappy for words.
Now, replace the "independent commentators and journalists" with "the media" and maybe I don't have so much of a problem with the graf. While I certainly disagree with the media's parroting of an idiotic (not to say ineffective) Republican talking point it is certainly true that the press are echoing the sentiment. But to ascribe a level of independence or journalism to the practice just makes Milbank look bad.
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