Friday, October 29, 2004

The New Onion?

From my new favorite satire site,
A sign that a campaign is desperate is when the campaign flails everything and the kitchen sink at their opponent, oblivious to the truth of the story.

...Bush has forced Kerry to play on Bush's terms, whether he likes it or not. The challenge for the administration, which has proven itself frequently inept at rapid response on Iraq, is to effectively cast Kerry as a desperate candidate flailing about and, in the process, attacking the commitment of our troops, which he is doing.
Desperation you say? By the looks of this I think Redstate is blissfully unaware of where the desperation exists.

And, by the way, I assume that by "Bush's terms" it is meant national security, Iraq, terrorism, etc. If so, I think it's fair to say Kerry is happy. As I've been saying for two years, national security is THE terrain on which Democrats should have been fighting the whole time. The strongest indictment against Bush is his ineffective security policies. Fittingly, we hope, his ineffective security policies will also be his undoing.

Also (and this is just a nit) is it really possible to "flail" an object an someone? Just curious.

I used to like Redstate. But the quality and thoughtfulness of the posts has really gone downhill lately. Where are the Tacitus posts?