Friday, July 30, 2004

Big Tent Republicans

We're often treated to assertions that Democrats are unwilling to allow speakers at their conventions who don't tow the party line on supposed "litmus test" issues. Abortion, of course, is one such issue.

The myth makers have succeeded in convincing the mainstream media (not to mention the blatently conservative bloviators) that at the 1992 Democratic Convention Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey was barred from speaking because of his anti-abortion views. The truth is that Casey was denied a speaking slot because he wouldn't endorse the ticket. In fact, 1992 saw at least a half dozen other pro-life Democrats take the podium.

This year, 2004, was no different. Rhode Island Congressman Jim Langevin addressed delegates on the convention's second night. Langevin's 88% pro-life voting record was endorsed in 2002 (over his Republican opponent) by the We Vote Pro-Life PAC.

Republicans are justifiably proud when their Big Tent enables them to provide podium time to those holding a minority view at odds with the national party's message. Pro-choice choice Republicans (Rudy Giuliani, Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Pataki, Michael Bloomberg) will so dominate the rostrum that some may be forgiven for wondering whether there are any anti-abortion Republicans left.

Ironically, the most strongly anti-abortion speaker currently scheduled to address the GOP Convention is Democrat Zell Miller. Even more ironic, especially for those myth makers who like to push the Bob Casey lie, is that Miller keynoted the 1992 Democratic Convention at which Casey was supposedly barred for his anti-abortion views.

Despite the facts I predict there will be Republicans who continue to prod Democrats to feature more prominently anti-abortion speakers.

I think it may happen about the time when the RNC invites United States Senate candidate Tom Coburn to address a prime time audience on his pro-life plan for executing doctors who perform abortions and dispense birth control pills.

Do think that will happen this year?