Credit Where Credit Is Due
Kevin, Mark, and Matt each have commented on Bush's strange new tendency to use a polysyllabic word like "embolden." They, of course, take note of the odd coincidence that all up and down the right side of the aisle "emobolden" has become the word du jour.
Missing from the whole discussion is a reminder of Bush's own valiant efforts to "embolden" our enemies.
Personally, I find it a little far-fetched to think of our enemies sitting around listening to Kerry's long-winded, ponderous speeches and then suddenly getting bold, wild hairs up their asses to all of a sudden go blow stuff up. And even if they listened to one entire Kerry speech (at least to hear Bushies tell it) they wouldn't know what the hell he's talking about or asking them to do, what with all that flip-flopping.
It's somewhat easier for me to imagine our enemies responding to the simple, plainspoken George W. Bush who heroically and directly requested our enemies to "Bring it on."
George W. Bush really sells himself short when he humbly ignores his own prominent role in emboldening our enemies. I think I recall humility as one of the characteristics Republicans love about their Dear Leader.
Oh, and one other thing I don't understand. Are the insurgents emboldened? Is that the story we're sticking with? Cause I heard George and Ayed give speeches the other day talking about how rosy things were looking. How things were getting better; huge vast swaths of the country are safe for picnicking and whatnot. Something about only a "handful" of suiciders against hundreds of thousands of security forces.
Is this dissonance just another attempt by the Bush administration to speak clearly? Or am I missing something?
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